You saw through him from day one! Not me... I was one of the millions who wanted to believe in his "hope and change" rhetoric. I voted for him twice. In the early 20-teens I started to see the handwriting on the wall, with the Syrian conflict and the US' growing animosity toward Russia, and then Maidan. It still took years of hard study to get to where I am now. In 2016, I campaigned for Bernie Sanders, drove across the entire country, all the way from the Pacific Coast to Philadelphia and the Atlantic. Saw the corpse of democracy lying there on the streets of Philadelphia, and it had been dead for some time. And what I have seen cannot be unseen... As for Obama, when he told the people in Flint, Michigan, that the water was safe, he was dead to me. Thank you for this article, I will share it on my social media accounts.
I wasn’t playing the prophet or the visionary, I just don’t trust people with no discernible convictions. Obama did not stand for ANYTHING aside from gaseous rhetoric!
It may sound paradoxical, but I truly like people who stand up and defend their beliefs, even if I strongly oppose them.
Malcolm X: If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything!
I understand that! I just didn't pick up on it as soon as you did. I hated Dubya. I would have even voted for Hillary if she had won the primary. Nowadays, I believe our elections are mostly rigged.
It may sound strange, but I have better regards for Bush jr and even for Trump than I would ever have for Obama. Those duo didn’t hide their nastiness or pretend to be something else from what they actually were/are. Obama simply disgust me with his sanctimonious hypocrisy! All those fake smiles!!
My culture frowns heavily on the telling of lies. We say that whoever tells a lie is capable of stealing.
You have a good point. I despise all of them... the only halfway decent leader during my lifetime of 58 years was Jimmy Carter, and I mean halfway! Listening to Vladimir Putin and watching how he acts as a leader really puts it into perspective. Never have we had a leader as knowledgeable as him, nor as capable. Since the assassination of JFK, I'm convinced, the shadow government has been running our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember Jimmy Carter with any fondness. He was the president at the height of apartheid in South Africa, he could have helped to end the evil regime, but chose to continued working with the odious regime that considered the majority Black as sun-humans and treated them wretchedly. He called his hypocritical stance “ Constructive Engagement.” How do you constructively engage with the devil?
Jimmy Carter became born again and began his Mr Nice Guy stuff only after he left office. That’s rank hypocrisy in my books.
I actually saw Jimmy Carter in Lagos Nigeria when he visited in 1978 or was it 1979? I found his campaign as chronicled in the book, The candidacy of Jimmy Carter, fascinating. He came across as one cerebral idealist who was sobered by the institutions that surround his office!
I can totally understand that. I was still a child when he was president, which is why I remember him that way. I wasn't even aware of apartheid until my college years, when I met international students from Africa. The white students from S. Africa defended apartheid, of course. They believed that if not for them, the blacks would just "kill themselves off." You know, the delusion of the "white savior." I was still very naive at that point in my life, but even then I sensed something wrong in what they were saying. You are right, even Carter was scum. And I don't think JFK was an angel either. But at least he wanted to get rid of the CIA. Too bad they got rid of him first.
You saw through him from day one! Not me... I was one of the millions who wanted to believe in his "hope and change" rhetoric. I voted for him twice. In the early 20-teens I started to see the handwriting on the wall, with the Syrian conflict and the US' growing animosity toward Russia, and then Maidan. It still took years of hard study to get to where I am now. In 2016, I campaigned for Bernie Sanders, drove across the entire country, all the way from the Pacific Coast to Philadelphia and the Atlantic. Saw the corpse of democracy lying there on the streets of Philadelphia, and it had been dead for some time. And what I have seen cannot be unseen... As for Obama, when he told the people in Flint, Michigan, that the water was safe, he was dead to me. Thank you for this article, I will share it on my social media accounts.
I wasn’t playing the prophet or the visionary, I just don’t trust people with no discernible convictions. Obama did not stand for ANYTHING aside from gaseous rhetoric!
It may sound paradoxical, but I truly like people who stand up and defend their beliefs, even if I strongly oppose them.
Malcolm X: If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything!
I understand that! I just didn't pick up on it as soon as you did. I hated Dubya. I would have even voted for Hillary if she had won the primary. Nowadays, I believe our elections are mostly rigged.
It may sound strange, but I have better regards for Bush jr and even for Trump than I would ever have for Obama. Those duo didn’t hide their nastiness or pretend to be something else from what they actually were/are. Obama simply disgust me with his sanctimonious hypocrisy! All those fake smiles!!
My culture frowns heavily on the telling of lies. We say that whoever tells a lie is capable of stealing.
You have a good point. I despise all of them... the only halfway decent leader during my lifetime of 58 years was Jimmy Carter, and I mean halfway! Listening to Vladimir Putin and watching how he acts as a leader really puts it into perspective. Never have we had a leader as knowledgeable as him, nor as capable. Since the assassination of JFK, I'm convinced, the shadow government has been running our foreign policy.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember Jimmy Carter with any fondness. He was the president at the height of apartheid in South Africa, he could have helped to end the evil regime, but chose to continued working with the odious regime that considered the majority Black as sun-humans and treated them wretchedly. He called his hypocritical stance “ Constructive Engagement.” How do you constructively engage with the devil?
Jimmy Carter became born again and began his Mr Nice Guy stuff only after he left office. That’s rank hypocrisy in my books.
I actually saw Jimmy Carter in Lagos Nigeria when he visited in 1978 or was it 1979? I found his campaign as chronicled in the book, The candidacy of Jimmy Carter, fascinating. He came across as one cerebral idealist who was sobered by the institutions that surround his office!
I can totally understand that. I was still a child when he was president, which is why I remember him that way. I wasn't even aware of apartheid until my college years, when I met international students from Africa. The white students from S. Africa defended apartheid, of course. They believed that if not for them, the blacks would just "kill themselves off." You know, the delusion of the "white savior." I was still very naive at that point in my life, but even then I sensed something wrong in what they were saying. You are right, even Carter was scum. And I don't think JFK was an angel either. But at least he wanted to get rid of the CIA. Too bad they got rid of him first.