First, let’s be reminded of this African saying: To laugh at calamity, deformity or infirmity is enormity.
We do not mock old age in African culture, nor do we denigrate the dead. The reasons should be clear enough for anyone with brains to think: Old age is a privilege to which we all aspire. Regarding death, Biology 101 teaches that no living thing will get out of the world alive; we are all gonna DIE.
No, we do not set out to insult Biden or Trump, but the spectacle of these two ELDERLY citizens being steamrolled into the most powerful office in the world should give grave concerns to any human being who cares about the globe that we all call home.
It appears that the Deep State, or whatever we choose to call them, have such low contempt for us that they would want us to disbelieve what all our senses tell us, and think that Biden is one independent actor who is capable of making all the ponderous decisions that his office required!.
No honest person who has watched Biden in the past year would be surprised to see his abysmal performance at the charade that goes for presidential debates in the US. Of course, Trump was his usual nasty, buffoonish, narcissistic self on his usual ego trip.
The surprise is that Western media rose like a single voice to parrot what should have been obvious to anyone who cares to look; they pretend that Biden’s senility is one Great Revelation!
Yours truly has maintained the position that as Christians are the worst advertisements for their religion, Westerners are the worst advertisement for the political system that they try to spread across the world with evangelical zeal.
Who in his right mind would opt for a political system that threw a snarling senile mannequin like Biden and an amoral (not simply immoral) and utterly corrupt and empty-headed braggart like Trump?

One needs only to compare these two unrefined and uncultured cretins that Americans put up as their presidential candidates with refined Statesmen like Presidents Xi and Putin who Western media like to denigrate as autocrats. Who, in his right mind, would choose Trump over Putin or Biden over Xi?
Our Brother James Balwin said: I don’t believe what you say, because I can see what you do.
Why should we in Africa believe that a people that is capable of putting Biden and Trump as the best candidates for the highest office in their land will help us get the best candidate to lead us?
People with refined cultures choose their words carefully, they do their best never to descend into gutters, especially in their public postures and proclamations.
Both Biden and Trump swear like drunken sailors. Sorry, sailors!
No, we are not alone in assessing the performances of these two elderly men as the lowest points in recent American political theatre.
Here are the opinions of three Americans who are eminently qualified to pass judgment:
“American politics is ugly. Democracy isn’t a beauty contest.
But it should be a test of competency and integrity. Last night’s debate was a humiliation for all Americans who take elections seriously. 340 million strong, and these two clowns are the best we can do.
We need to learn to do better. The future of our nation depends on it.” - Scott Ritter
“If there is the equivalent of a political version of nuclear fallout, what is taking place on the legacy media today in reaction to last night's Biden/Trump debate qualifies. There is legitimate panic among the Democrat establishment and they want to dump Biden. The Biden team, however, ain't on board. They realized that demented Joe did major damage to his image last night and moved quickly to push him out immediately today to address a small crowd in North Carolina. Team Biden is in desperation mode as they try to convince Americans that they should not believe their lying eyes. We have not seen a delusional display like this since Baghdad Bob denied that U.S. tanks were rolling through the streets of Baghdad.” - Larry Johnson
“Readers of this column know that President Joe Biden’s drift into blankness has been ongoing for months, as he and his foreign policy aides have been urging a ceasefire that will not happen in Gaza while continuing to supply the weapons that make a ceasefire less likely. There’s a similar paradox in Ukraine, where Biden has been financing a war that cannot be won and refusing to participate in negotiations that could end the slaughter.
The reality behind all of this, as I’ve been told for months, is that the president is simply no longer there, in terms of understanding the contradictions of the policies he and his foreign policy advisers have been carrying out. America should not have a president who does not know what he has signed off on. People in power have to be responsible for what they do, and last night showed America and the world that we have a president who clearly is not in that position today
What now? One of Washington political savants told me today that the Democratic Party is now facing “a national security crisis.” The nation is backing two devastating wars with a president who clearly is not up to it, he said, and it might be time to start drafting a resignation speech that would match or outdo the one given in March of 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson after his narrow victory over Senator Eugene McCarthy in the New Hampshire primary. Seymour Hersh,
©️ Fẹ́mi Akọ́mọláfẹ́
Farmer, Writer, Published Author, and Social Commentator
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• Africa: Destroyed by the gods (Get a FREE Chapter Here)
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My latest Book,
From Stamp to Click (it’s still a hello) is published and is available online at:…
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